A Global Mobility Solution to Manage Cases

In an era where global mobility is a strategic enabler of business success, a leading aerospace company with a diverse international workforce of over 300 employees faced a critical challenge. The complexities of managing internal and service provider-managed cases, including visa and permit processes, became a significant hurdle due to a lack of systematic organization. This resulted in communication breakdowns, sluggish response rates, and a void of real-time oversight, causing not only operational inefficiencies but also mounting frustrations. Recognizing the need for a transformational change, the company embarked on a journey to revolutionize their mobility processes.

A Global Mobility Solution to Manage Cases

Beyond Borders: Optimizing Operations Through Transparency & Coordination

Track Cases

Track the progress of visa applications, work permits, accommodation process and more with the elaborate task lists from providers.


Assign Tasks

Assign tasks to service providers and expatriates all from within the platform.


Set Reminders

Set a process duration for forecasting the completion of cases, which will give you an idea of how long the process will take.



Client Case study

Client Profile

The company, a forerunner in the aerospace sector, boasts a vibrant and expansive workforce. With employees scattered across the globe, the absence of a cohesive system to manage the intricate web of mobility-related cases was acutely felt. The impact was twofold—internal HR teams were often left in the dark regarding the status of ongoing cases, and service providers struggled with the coordination of tasks and information.


The decentralized approach previously employed by the HR team meant that tracking the status of cases was like navigating a labyrinth without a map. The over-reliance on disjointed email correspondence led to protracted response times, which not only hampered timely documentation but also delayed crucial inquiries and actions. For new HR team members, the learning curve was steep, with no centralized repository to provide a history or status of international assignments, making it challenging to quickly assimilate and act effectively.


The answer emerged as a GDPR-compliant Case Management System, providing a safe, encrypted hub for all relevant data. This encompassed details of assignments, expatriate profiles, documents, duties, and updates. It gave service providers a framework to define their service steps and timelines, and HR teams gained instant clarity on ongoing cases. Additionally, the system encouraged a cooperative space where HR and service providers could jointly manage tasks, promoting unified case handling.


The new Case Management System transformed how the company managed global tasks. It smoothed communication and teamwork, noticeably reducing response times and increasing efficiency. With live tracking, HR teams stayed updated, which supported fast and wise decisions. Additionally, this system became essential for new HR members, allowing them to quickly catch up on active cases. This safeguarded key tasks during staff changes. Employee experience also benefited from greater openness, as they could view their case status and track progress.

Trusted partners of vetted service providers across 183 countries.

Secure cloud, GDPR compliant and enterprise-class data protection policies.

With our built-in technology, repetitive and laborious tasks are of the past with A. I and RPA tools.

Comprehensive technology built for compliance in global mobility.


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AI Generated Templated Doc

With xpath.global, you can upload your PDF or Word templates and have our platform automatically fill in fields for you. Watch as the platform takes care of all the hard work of positioning data correctly.

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Expense Tracking

Forget the hassle of sifting through spreadsheets! xpath.global's expense repository streamlines data tracking, allowing you to easily sort and monitor expenses associated with each case. Gain full financial transparency for better decision-making.

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Process & Timeline

Establish standardized process workflows with detailed, sequential instructions. Transform stagnant spreadsheets into dynamic workflows with flexible timelines. Monitor tasks, anticipate due dates, and ensure timely completion of obligations.

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Is xpath.global suitable for both small and large organizations?

Yes, xpath.global is designed to accommodate the relocation needs of organizations of all sizes, providing scalable solutions tailored to specific requirements.

Does xpath.global offer data security and compliance features?

Absolutely. xpath.global prioritizes data security and compliance, ensuring that sensitive employee information is protected and adheres to relevant data protection regulations.

Can xpath.global integrate with existing HR systems?

Yes, xpath.global is built to integrate seamlessly with various HR systems, allowing for a smooth transition and synchronization of data.

How does xpath.global help in managing multiple relocations simultaneously?

The platform's centralized approach enables HR professionals to manage multiple relocations efficiently, with real-time tracking and task assignment functionalities.