visa immigration canada

Canadian Federal Parties Called to Support Conducive Immigration

February 25, 2021 |

Today, the Canadian labour market is currently facing significant challenges, including an aging workforce, a shrinking workforce participation rate, stagnant wages, and widening skills gaps. In response to these issues, a strategic and facilitative approach to immigration management is crucial.

I. Focus on Facilitative Immigration Management

In order to address the pressing challenges in the labour market, there is a collective call for parties participating in this year’s federal election to prioritize the facilitative management of immigration. This involves maintaining and developing features such as swift application processing times and work permit exemptions.

II. Sector-Specific Open Work Permits for Temporary Foreign Workers

Highlighted as a noteworthy recommendation by the Canadian Global Cities Council, the proposal advocates for the implementation of sector-specific open work permits for TFW. This approach not only aims to address the specific needs of industries but also seeks to contribute significantly to closing the existing skills gaps.

III. Retention Strategies and Qualification Recognition

An innovative recommendation from the Canadian Global Cities Council suggests the implementation of sector-specific open work permits for Temporary Foreign Workers. This approach, by catering to the unique needs of industries, contributes significantly to closing the persistent skills gaps.

IV. Trusted Employer Program

The proposal to launch a Trusted Employer Program is gaining traction. This program aims to streamline application processes for businesses with a proven track record. This promotes efficiency and ensuring that qualified foreign workers are seamlessly integrated into the Canadian workforce.

V. Dedication to Talent Development Plans

As recommended by the Canadian Global Cities Council, it is imperative that all political parties commit to creating more suitable talent development plans. This includes better skills training for foreign workers and the promotion of effective immigration policies.

In conclusion, the challenges facing the Canadian labour market require a comprehensive and strategic approach to immigration policies. By implementing the suggested measures, the nation can navigate the complexities of an evolving workforce, ensuring a robust and dynamic economy for years to come.

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