
France Blames UK Labor Laws: London Targeting Paris

November 16, 2021 |

In a thinly veiled critique of Paris, Prime Minister Boris Johnson hinted at French reluctance to address the issue despite a pact signed in July. This comes as Britain witnessed a surge in daily arrivals last week.

Record-Breaking Crossings
On November 11th, a staggering 1,185 migrants made the perilous journey from France to the UK.

Blame Game Escalates
France’s Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, took aim at the UK government, accusing them of exacerbating the crisis of unlawful migration. This accusation was made just before a crucial meeting with UK Home Secretary Priti Patel in Paris.

Transitioning from Darmanin’s accusations, the focus shifts to the dire situation unfolding in French ports, particularly Calais and Dunkirk. These ports have become hotspots where thousands of migrants await the opportunity to cross into the UK.

Darmanin attributed this surge in migrants to the allure of the British labor market, criticizing it for exploiting cheap labor. He likened the situation to Karl Marx’s concept of a “reserve army” of low-cost irregular workers.

Stalled Solutions and Souring Relations
Despite promises from UK Home Secretary Patel to address the crisis, including threats to withhold funding from France, the situation remains dire. Patel had pledged to make migrant crossings infrequent by spring 2020, yet the crisis continues to strain UK-French relations.

In summary, tensions between the UK and France are reaching new heights as they clash over the escalating migrant crisis, with blame being volleyed between the two governments amidst a backdrop of strained diplomatic relations


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