Health and Wellbeing

Health and wellbeing – slipping down the business agenda

April 13, 2022 |

Risk of Overlooking Employee Wellbeing

Employers are at risk of neglecting employee wellbeing, with the ‘Health and Wellbeing at Work 2022’ benchmarking survey from CIPD and Simplyhealth highlighting that employee health and resilience are being overshadowed by other operational issues. This is despite the ongoing impact of Covid-19.

Call for Greater Focus on Health Equity

The Marmot Review for Industry emphasizes the need for organizations to prioritize employee and community health with the same rigor as other environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Research indicates that good employee health positively affects quality of life and economic growth. Additionally, Cigna’s global mobility research reveals a gap in mental health support, with over half (56%) of globally mobile employees seeking support, but only 30% receiving it.

Decline in Senior Leadership Support for Wellbeing

The CIPD’s report shows a decline in HR professionals who believe that senior leaders prioritize wellbeing, dropping from 75% to 70% over the past year. There is also a decrease in the proportion of HR professionals who think senior leaders demonstrate a commitment to mental wellbeing, falling from 48% in 2021 to 42% in 2022. The drop is also noted among managers, with those acknowledging the importance of wellbeing falling from 67% to 60%.

Continued Impact of Covid-19 on Employee Mental Health

Covid-19 remains a significant concern for employee mental health. Two-thirds (66%) of HR professionals worry about the pandemic’s impact on mental health, and nearly a quarter (24%) identify Covid-related anxiety as a major source of workplace stress. The pandemic has intensified existing health challenges and introduced new ones like long Covid.

The Role of Senior Leaders in Shaping Workplace Culture

Rachel Suff from CIPD highlights that although the decline in attention to health and wellbeing by senior leaders may seem minor, it is concerning given the pandemic’s demonstrated importance to organizational resilience. Senior leaders play a crucial role in shaping a supportive work environment where employees feel safe discussing health issues and seeking support.

Persistent Stress and Wellbeing Challenges

Stress remains a prevalent issue, with 79% of respondents reporting stress-related absences and 90% for large organizations. Additionally, unhealthy trends like “leaveism” (using annual leave to work) and presenteeism (working while ill) are widespread, with 67% and 81% of respondents respectively observing these behaviors.

Importance of Managerial Support in Wellbeing

Angela Sherwood from Simplyhealth stresses that health and wellbeing are vital to business success and require serious attention. Managers, who handle workloads and deadlines, must also support wellbeing. They need appropriate training, support, and time to effectively manage people and address wellbeing concerns.


Source: Relocate Magazine, April 2022

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